nano market | Biggest importers of nanoparticles

 The nano market has been launched in order to buy and sell all products manufactured locally and imported into nanotechnology. This marketplace has an internet website where anyone interested in nanotechnology products can find out about their latest status by searching for their product or company name. These sites are the only nanoscale-certified products that are shown in green, approved by Iran’s Special Nanotechnology Development Staff. People can order a product by visiting the nano products website to receive a receipt and be informed of the order status until it arrives.

nano market | Biggest importers of nanoparticles

What are the most important products of nanotechnology industry?

What are the most important products of nanotechnology industry?In the field of medicine and health, using nanotechnology, they have succeeded in upgrading products in this field. Production of cancer detection kits, respiratory masks to absorb more microbes, antibacterial paper towels, disinfectant are some of the achievements of this field. The anti-cancer drug “Sanadoxosome” targeting cancer engines is one of the researchers’ achievements in the field of nano science.

Manufacture of solid tubes, muted tubes, UV absorbent glass, lightweight concrete and decorative hard coatings are other nanotechnology products. Nanotechnology in the field of industrial nanotechnology offered products such as PVD coatings for color decorative coatings and cold plasma devices for hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces.

In the field of automotive, high performance and dust absorbing car filters, nano-coolant as radiator heat exchanger, polypropylene with higher physical and mechanical strength, motor oil with reduced friction of motor parts and welding head with thermal and electrical conductivity Better than nanotech products.

Manufacturing of laboratory equipment such as scanning tunneling microscope, spectrometer, UV-Vis, rotating layer chromatographic and sonicator apparatus, visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, powered microscope are among the achievements of these nanotechnology companies.

Who are the best nanotechnology producers around the world?

Who are the best nanotechnology producers around the world?The best nanotechnology producers around the world are:

  • china
  • America
  • India
  • Iran

Nanotechnology is a field of applied science and technology that focuses on the inhibition of matter or devices in dimensions less than one micrometer in scale from 1 to 2 nanometers. Every day we see new innovations in the nanotechnology industry in the fields of:

  1. materials engineering
  2. medicine
  3. pharmacy and drug design
  4. veterinary medicine
  5. biology
  6. applied physics
  7. semiconductor tools
  8. supramolecular chemistry
  9. mechanical engineering
  10. electrical engineering
  11. chemical engineering
  12. agricultural engineering.

According to published statistics, the iran nanotechnology ranking in the world is fourth. The number of nanotechnology journals produced in this industry is huge.

What are the various products of nanotechnology?

What are the various products of nanotechnology?The various Nanotechnology products include:

  • Nanotechnology services
  • Nanotechnology product

Nanotechnology product Two definitions of nanotechnology:

  •  Nanotech: Any product based on nanotechnology
  • Nanomaterials: Any product containing nanomaterials whose performance or properties are enhanced by nanotechnology

In general, nanotechnology goods include one of the following:

  • Nano-enhanced or emerging nano-intermediate product.
  • Finished product improved with nano or emerged with nano.
  •  Manufactured or engineered nanomaterials.

 Nanotechnology companies have been launched from 56 countries worldwide.Nanotechnology Services: Services that provide nanotechnology or nanotechnology services that can include research and development departments.

generally,The most important nanotech products in the fields of: Equipment, Nanomaterials, Medicine and health, Construction, Textile, Packaging and Agriculture, Oil, gas and petrochemicals, car, Water and Environment, Medicine and Health. 

How to produce nano fertilizers in factories?

How to produce nano fertilizers in factories?  For the nano fertilizer preparation and production in factories, microbial enzymes with strong disinfecting properties were used to break down the salts into nano-form; And increase the gradual accumulation of carbon. Production of this new fertilizer is a new and first work done, using state-of-the-art equipment and technology to convert fertilizers and minerals in the soil into advanced fertilizers using modern techniques and teleology. The technology is used in powder form as well as in liquid form with a spraying machine. The production time of the organic nano fertilizer is faster than the vermicompost fertilizer, and its absorption rate is much longer than the natural vermicompost fertilizer.

Nanofertilizer organic quadriform of such as:

  • hole fertilizer at the foot of trees or the soil
  • spraying the nanofertilizer on the soil before germination of goods,
  • pouring nano organic fertilizer in irrigation water flooding 
  • spray the mixture suspensions nanofertilizer organic on leaf Trees and trees are used.

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