nano fertilizers | Different nanoparticles for sale on the market

 Agriculture has been one of the earliest human activities on earth and one of the most important and essential human occupations for conquering nature and using divine blessings to sustain life. The use of nano fertilizers reduces costs and increases slightly And the quality and health of the products are high, so they have to replace them with chemical fertilizers. If farmers use these nano fertilizer products and new technologies, higher yields will result in higher quality and exportability. The performance of nano fertilizers on different crops especially wheat is different and has a significant effect on its quantitative and qualitative increase.

nano fertilizers | Different nanoparticles for sale on the market

How do you handle fertilizers?

How do you handle fertilizers? Fertilizer handle is one of the essential factors for success in plant cultivation and work. Researchers have evaluated the amount and methods of manure application to improve production conditions.

Although fertilizers are often used to achieve maximum production per unit area, in addition to increasing production, the quality of crops and the health of crops must also be taken into account. Fertilizers, including cow manure, are able to increase soil water retention power, increase soil microbial diversity, improve soil physical structure and prevent soil erosion, which, in addition to providing part of the plant’s nutrients, improve plant growth and yield. Improves product quality and health.

For the care of fertilizers and their modifications (such as nano fertilizers soil amendments ), plant pigments, the most important of which is chlorophyll, are important for the proper conduct of photosynthetic phenomena in plants and crop production.

What are the best nano fertilizers on the market?

What are the best nano fertilizers on the market?the best nano fertilizers on the market are:

  • Carbon nano tubes
  • Zinc nano fertilizers
  • Nano porous zeolite
  • Nano aptamers
  • Boron nano fertilizers
  • Others

Individuals can safely go to the official dealership of these products and purchase the products they need and ultimately have the satisfaction and desirability of their purchase process and the purchased product.

These dealers only focus on the highest quality, and are always striving to deliver the highest quality in their business and for the benefit of their customers and buyers. The use of the product itself is a clear proof of the quality performance of these resellers.

How are nano fertilizers made?

How are nano fertilizers made?For the nano fertilizer preparation and production, microbial enzymes with strong disinfecting properties were used to break down the salts into nano-form; And increase the gradual accumulation of carbon. Production of this new fertilizer is a new and first work done, using state-of-the-art equipment and technology to convert fertilizers and minerals in the soil into advanced fertilizers using modern techniques and teleology. The technology is used in powder form as well as in liquid form with a spraying machine. The production time of the organic nano fertilizer is faster than the vermicompost fertilizer, and its absorption rate is much longer than the natural vermicompost fertilizer.

Nanofertilizer organic quadriform of such as:

  • hole fertilizer at the foot of trees or the soil
  • spraying the nanofertilizer on the soil before germination of goods,
  • pouring nano organic fertilizer in irrigation water flooding 
  • spray the mixture suspensions nanofertilizer organic on leaf Trees and trees are used.

Most important ingredients of nano fertilizers

Most important ingredients of nano fertilizers Nanocode is a healthy and powerful nanobiofertilizers that has all the characteristics of a bio-organic fertilizer. Healthy fertilizers are usually either organic or biologically active. Each of these groups has its own characteristics. Organic fertilizers are mainly used to increase soil fertility and improve soil uptake.The biology section of this fertilizer utilizes a variety of bacteria providing an important part of the plant’s need for nitrogen and phosphate.

 Nano-fertilizers contain both organic and biological components. The organic section contains three important groups of organic factors including:

  • Humic substances that are themselves composed of other constituents
  • Vermicompost
  • Organic compounds containing amino acids
  • B- Biology Section:
  • This section contains the microorganisms used:
  •  Symbiotic and asymptotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Rhizobium,
  • Azotobacter azosperyllium,
  • Bacteria containing the OPH enzyme that are able to decompose and convert phosphorus pesticide residues into absorbable phosphorus

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