graphene oxide gold nanoparticle | List of Graphene Exporting companies in Asia

Have you ever heard the name of graphene oxide gold nanoparticle? What is its applications in industrial and other fields?

You might not heard the name of this substance which is made of some chemical reactions. This is a compound of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen in conversional proportions. The accrued result is yellow solid. This substance is in different shapes and export to many areas, the related companies are around the world. 

graphene oxide gold nanoparticle | List of Graphene Exporting companies in Asia

Is graphene oxide a semiconductor?

Is graphene oxide a semiconductor?Generally, the graphene oxide is a two-dimensional substance which has a crystal and hexagons structure and has oxygenated bunches, the existence of oxygenated bunches and disarranging the main graphene structure, it can not be a good semiconductor. This is all about graphene oxide synthesis in chemical structural shapes. 

Now, here are some other outward features of this substance:

  • It has a brown color
  • The thick of graphene layers is about 2 nm
  • Dimensions of plates are about 20 um
  • It’s purity is about 99%
  • It can be used in solution forms

The physical shape of this substance is mostly solid, likewise, it shapes as powder too. The graphene oxide powder is commonly used for different applications today. 

The history of graphene oxide belongs to the first person who invented it, An Oxford chemist Benjamin C.Bordie in 1859. Of course, it had defects and these defections had to be solved, so, the other invention of other chemists and inventors could reach to the intended result finally. 

What is graphene oxide used for?

What is graphene oxide used for?Graphene oxide is widely used for different applications in many fields such as medicinal and industrial. The reason of medicinal usages is because of existence of subsistence adaption. So, it can react to this field better than other ones. 

Typically, the applications of this substance in medicinal and other industries are included:

  • Producing vert tight and resist composites
  • Reducing the polymers’ flammability
  • Strong filtration
  • Flexibility and superelasticity
  • Reviving the graphene oxide for reaching to a similar graphene properties.
  • Using as medicine nanoporter
  • Producing subsistence adaption structure textures with high-quality level in engineering 

The graphene oxide price depends on the quality and volume of it in their packs. If you need to prepare this kind of substance, it is better to go to the related chemical shop stores which also have websites and represent the chemical powders with their applications. Of course, the Asian countries such as China produce this chemical substance and export them as bulk prices. 

Graphene oxide gold nanoparticles for medicinal uses

Graphene oxide gold nanoparticles for medicinal usesThe graphene oxide nanoparticles commonly named as colloidal gold which is made of gold nano particles and widely is in liquid shape. It’s color is widely red, purple, or blue due to the type of ratios and style of the bits. 

This chemical compound mostly used in medicinal uses and applications, of course, their shape and size is widely affect on their potential usages. This kind of compound was firstly used in fourth century as a method of glass painting. the gold solution which was a compound of gold iodine used for medicinal and treatment applications in middle ages. 

Today, this substance is used for cancer treatment in a wide range as it has advantages for cellular imagination. It is also injected as solution medicine in people’s body.  

How is 1 gram of graphene gold nanoparticles?

How is 1 gram of graphene gold nanoparticles? Using of graphene gold nanoparticles is professionally done by the expert centers and laboratories which have experiments and tests there. The volume of the gold nano particles is too low and the transportation of that is easier. 

The amount and volume of this substance is measured per grams and sell in this way. The large amounts are included in kilo grams and is suitable for medicinal centers which are active in producing the medicines and other treatment purposes. The shape of it likes powder but it can be found as solid shapes that used for exclusive application. 

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