fumed silica nanoparticles | Where can I buy silica nanoparticles in bulk?

Nanotechnology in recent years has led to great developments in human knowledge, and researchers from various sciences have used it. Fumed silica nanoparticles are used in many fields to produce new materials with unique capabilities due to their specific physical and chemical properties. Therefore, the use of nanosilica as one of the nanotechnology products that can play the role of a highly active synthetic pozzolan in concrete has been considered. However, recent advances in building materials technology have made it possible to use colloidal nano-silica.

fumed silica nanoparticles | Where can I buy silica nanoparticles in bulk?

Which producers have best silica nanoparticles?

Which producers have best silica nanoparticles?First of all, it is necessary to mention some of the applications of nano silica which include:

  • As an additive for all kinds of tires
  • As a reinforcing filler for concrete
  • UV-resistant material

And here are some other important applications that I will suggest and explain.Hydrophobic fumed silica in the three forms of hydrophilic silica powder, gel and colloid is used in the paint industry as a matting, concentration enhancer and enhancer of environmental resistance and abrasion properties. Nano-silica is completely transparent and can be used in transparent coatings. It can also be used in the rubber industry as a filler and increase the durability and durability of rubber. This replacement, in addition to eliminating the environmental problems of soot, reduces the energy consumption for movement and the amount of noise caused by movement. Nano-silica in concrete structures and cementitious compounds increases the environmental resistance of the final concrete. The use of this material also improves the wear properties and strength of the compound as well as reducing the permeability and reducing the dry volume of the cement.

What is the difference between precipitated and fumed silica?

What is the difference between precipitated and fumed silica?There are major differences between the two. We need to know that other applications of these materials in thermal insulation and electrical insulation. By applying special conditions, porous structures can be obtained from these powdered particles. The porous structure has many interesting applications and can be used as purifiers. Today, they have been able to produce low-particle silica nanoparticles, mechanical and chemical polymers. In this method, the problems with surface polishing using acids and other polishers have been resolved. The colloidal system, a solution containing dispersed silica particles, is used in many industries, including pigments, catalysts and batteries. Another case in point is the fumed silica price.

Is fumed silica dangerous?

Is fumed silica dangerous?Now we want to explain about fumed silica vs colloidal silica.Depending on the type of metal and its surroundings, corrosion-resistant coatings reduce the amount of corrosion. Silica is a great anti-corrosion material due to its extremely low free electrons, excellent corrosion resistance, low thermal stability and conductivity. goes. The inefficiency and low cost of silica production make it a filler and a suitable volume enhancer for paint. Adding silica to the paint, without affecting the color, creates a high quality texture and gives the paint life.  Silica nanoparticles can also be used for the hardness and strength of industrial coatings. Another area of ​​application for these nanoparticles could be pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. 

Can silica gel kill bed bugs?

Can silica gel kill bed bugs?In this regard, the following points need to be noted. The exact amount of nano-silica should be determined through in-depth laboratory tests, so it is recommended that nano-silica can be added in a ratio of three to seven percent by weight of cement to concrete (as it can increase the strength of concrete). The same amount of cement). Since nanosilica has water-reducing properties, it must be used with one of the super-lubricants. Otherwise, it will crack the concrete and reduce the efficiency and inadequacy of the concrete. Addition of 10% nano silica increased the compressive strength of concrete by 26%, while the same amount of silica increased the compressive strength of concrete by 15%. Even adding a small amount of 25% increased silica resistance by 10%. Increases compression and flexural strength.

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